Extended Learning Program Identification Procedures

  • The Clear Creek Amana School District uses a systematic procedure to identify gifted and talented students in grades K-12, each spring. The major goal of this process is to apply valid, reliable and unbiased procedures to identify students as being gifted in the areas of general intellectual ability and specific ability aptitude in reading, math and science. Students are identified through the use of multiple criteria using objective and subjective measures.

    ELP Nomination Form

    1.  Nomination

    At least one of the following is used to nominate K-12 students for ELP: teacher reports of gifted behaviors, parent/guardian reports of gifted behaviors, CogAt screener results for second graders, Middle School/High School self nominations and standardized testing data. Self nomination forms can be obtained from the school counselor or ELP teacher. 

    2.  Screening

    All screening data will be considered by a screening team that may include: classroom teachers, ELP teacher, counselor, ELP coordinator, instructional coach and building principal. The specific abilities and needs of each student will be considered individually as outlined in Pathway #1 and Pathway #2. All students in grades K-5 who are nominated for ELP will be given the complete CogAt test as part of our screening process.

    Pathway #1

    Selection criteria will consist of objective data including: Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP), CogAt (K-5), and iReady. At the elementary level, if a student has a composite CogAt SAS score at or above 130 or one CogAt score at or above 96% and 2 additional qualifying scores she/he will be considered for ELP placement. Additional qualifying scores could include iReady scores (96%+) NPR, ISASP scores (98-99%) NPR and/or additional CogAt scores 96% and above. At the Middle School and High School students must have at least 3 qualifying iReady scores and/or ISASP scores.

    Subjective data will include grade point average 3.97+ (high school), classroom performance, teacher recommendations, parent information and other relevant data. Individual subtest scores in reading, science and math will also be considered during the screening process. Additional testing may be administered as needed.

    Pathway #2

    Any student with advanced potential, but whose achievement is underdeveloped or lower than expected will be screened using criteria in Pathway #2. This includes students who are: twice exceptional (2E), are culturally or linguistically diverse (ELL), and/or have not had the opportunity to learn due to poverty (low SES). These barriers to learning should not be reasons to prevent screening and identification. 

    Selection criteria will consist of objective data including: Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP), CogAt (K-5), and iReady. High performance on one of these tests and/or other valid and reliable assessments will qualify a student for screening.

    Subjective data will include grade point average (high school), classroom performance, teacher recommendations, parent information and other relevant data. Individual subtest scores in reading, science and math will also be considered during the screening process. Additional testing may be administered as needed.

    3.  Placement

    Students who demonstrate potential as compared with others of their age and require additional differentiated programming will be placed in the ELP Extension Strand, grades K-8. Personalized learning goals may be developed for students participating in this strand in collaboration with classroom teachers, students and parents. Successful participation in our elementary program for the talented and gifted is also required for middle school placement unless the student has recently transferred to CCA or recently qualifies for programming. 

    At the high school level academic guidance and counseling services will be provided for students. Successful participation in the middle school program for the talented and gifted is required unless the student has transferred to CCA or recently qualifies for our Extended Learning Program. Participation in enrichment and accelerated classes at the High School will be optional and based on student needs and interests.

    Clear Creek Amana School District ELP Identification/Screening Pathways

    Universal Screening is conducted annually January-March for all students in grade 2 using the Cognitive Abilities Screener. In addition, students nominated for ELP by teachers, parents, students, CogAT screener scores, and/or standardized test scores, grades K-5, are given the full Cognitive Abilities Test annually in March. Additional testing may be administered as needed. All available objective and subjective information will be considered by the screening committee in each building. Additional qualifying scores could include iReady scores (96%+) NPR, ISASP scores (98-99%) NPR, and/or additional CogAT scores 96%+. For CogAT results, we use grade level NPR.

Pathway #1 Grades K-5

Pathway #1 Grades 6-12

  • Any student with advanced potential, but whose achievement is underdeveloped or lower than expected will be screened using criteria in Pathway #2. This includes students who are: twice exceptional (2E), are culturally or linguistically diverse (ELL), or have not had the opportunity to learn due to poverty (low SES). These barriers to learning should not be reasons to prevent screening and identification.

Pathway #2