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May School Board Recognitions


may board meeting

Addie Skow, Yaad Chaudhari, Jordan Schaapveld, Mia Inestroza, Evan Streit, School Board Member Shaun Kukuzke, School Board Member Gabe Schaapveld, Superintendent Dr. Seymour.

 May board meeting

Jordan Schaapveld, Morgan McElliot, School Board Member Shaun Kukuzke, School Board Member Gabe Schaapveld, Superintendent Dr. Seymour.

 may school board meeting

Nurse Lisa Stevens, Mrs. Anthony, School Board Member Shaun Kukuzke, School Board Member Gabe Schaapveld, Superintendent Dr. Seymour.

Mrs. Anthony’s recognition as a substitute teacher at Amana Elementary by Principal Mr. Macumber

Mrs. Anthony is a 40+ year educator!  She retired in 2010 and started subbing right away because she "still can't give it up!"  Mrs. Anthony's expertise and hard work makes her the perfect fit at Amana Elementary.  She is a regular “go to” for the entire staff.  Most importantly, Mrs. Anthony is loved and trusted by all the students.  One student said it best as he was walking out the door on a particular day Mrs. Anthony had subbed.  He stopped, peaked his head in the room and said goodbye.  With Mrs. Anthony's go to response, "Goodnight sweetie."  He then came back to say, "I love you!" as he headed out the door.  On behalf of Amana elementary, thank you for your dedication to CCA, education and Amana Elementary!  

Nurse Lisa Stevens with Oak Hill Elementary was recognized by Whitney Eister the Health Services Director after an email she received from a parent.

Lisa always goes above and beyond for students to make them feel happy, safe, and loved while they are at school. The parent email is an example of what she does for our students. "I just wanted to send you an email to brag on a school nurse. My daughter attends Oak Hill this year. Nurse Lisa has been amazing. My daughter  has had a few issues this school year. Mr. Williams told her if Mrs. Keller was busy, and she needed someone to talk with, she could go to Lisa. This has made a huge difference this year for her. Even if it was a simple run into the office and say hello. It has given her the confidence to talk to an adult at the school if needed. For example, she had an issue this week where she needed help. She went right to Lisa and she made her feel so much better. Then Lisa called me about it. I am so grateful for Lisa and all the staff at Oak Hill. It really seems as if Lisa and the entire staff at Oak Hill genuinely care for every student's well-being." 

CCA High School Seniors Yaad Chaudhari, Mia Inestroza Garin, Evan Streit - 

These seniors have all earned the Iowa Seal of Biliteracy. This is the first year that Clear Creek Amana High School has offered this opportunity and we are very proud of all of the students who took the assessment in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish. The district gave 58 tests total to 9th-12th graders. 28 tests were given in Spanish, 19 tests in German, 4 in French, 2 in Arabic, 2 in Hindi, 2 in Portuguese, and 1 in Chinese. Students must have received a score of 5 or higher (Range 0-9) on all four subtests: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in the language AND have scored proficient on the English Language Arts test on the ISASP and/or on the ELPA21 assessment (for English Language Learners). These students will have the seal on their diploma, earn a medal of honor, and can receive college credit for their biliteracy results.

Yaad Chaudhari - Received her Seal in English and Hindi
Mia Inestroza  Received her Seal in English and Spanish
Evan Streit Received his Seal in English and Spanish

Jordan Schaapveld and Morgan McElliot both 3rd grade students at North Bend Elementary recognized by Principal Mrs. Parker.

​​Jordan and Morgan are true leaders at NBE.  They show kindness, patience and the true meaning of what it means to be a great peer.  I could list countless instances where these two have gone above and beyond to help others.  The latest display of their unbelievable character came on a Friday.  There was a sub in their classroom and the class earned lunch in the classroom.  A student in their class did not want to go because he likes his routines and eating somewhere else was not something he wanted to do.  Morgan asked him if he wanted to come to the classroom and he said, no, cafeteria.  So, Morgan sat down with him and told him it was ok, she would stay with him.  Jordan was at the end of the line and he walked up with his tray and asked what was going on.  I explained that the classmate did not want to leave the cafeteria.  Jordan asked him if he wanted to go eat with the class, he said no.  Jordan joined the classmate and Morgan and said it's ok, we will eat with you.  And that is what they did.  There was no hesitancy in Morgan or Jordan.  They didn't want him to sit by himself so they stayed with him.  This display of self sacrifice to benefit someone else moved me to tears.  Their impact on their classmate's life as well as countless others is unmatched.  NBE will miss Jordan and Morgan's leadership as they move on to East Ridge.  Morgan and Jordan's character, kindness and being kind people to its truest meaning will lead them to great heights in this world, I can't wait to see what impact they continue to have.  Thank you Jordan and Morgan for being the amazing people you are!

Addie Skow a Junior at CCA High School

Addie is a junior at CCA and is serving as the first student representative for the CCA School board during the 23-24 school year. Addie did a fantastic job representing the entire student body and brought forth great ideas. 
Thank you Addie for your Service.