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2024 CCA Retirement Spotlights

Mr. Moody

Mark Moody

High School Principal

Years of Service at CCA: 19

Bryn Hayes

Bryn Hayes

High School Family and Consumer Science Teacher

Years of Service: 37

Years of Service at CCA: 37

Favorite memory while working at CCA? Having students in cooking labs and loving what they make. Hearing stories of students making foods or dishes at home and enjoying the experience.

What is something you’ll miss at CCA? The connections I've made with students and teachers, especially my CTE colleagues.

What is one thing you’re looking forward to doing when you retire? Traveling!

Mary Pat Hanson

Mary Pat Hanson

High School Art Teacher

Years of Service: 37

Years of Service at CCA: 37

Favorite memory while working at CCA? I think some of my favorite memories have stemmed from trips I have taken with students. All included cultural as well as fine arts experiences. I wanted to broaden their experiences. Some of them had never left Iowa.

I have traveled domestically to St. Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis AND New York (7 times). Internationally, we have traveled to Italy, London, Paris, Ireland and Scotland. These trips have provided opportunities to get to know students outside the classroom dynamic. Even with some of their parents who chaperoned.

Teaching kids to love travel and watch them grow their independence is such a gratifying experience.   Several times, flights were canceled or postponed and teaching them that you have to be flexible, adjust your expectations and figure out the next step is all part of growing them up! All life skills. 

What is something you’ll miss at CCA? Of course, I will miss interacting with the students and getting to know them, but I will definitely miss my lunch shift group. We have been together for a while and have developed a great support group for each other both professionally and personally.

What is one thing you’re looking forward to doing when you retire? Making my own art and traveling.

Barb Hunt

Barb Hunt

Director of Special Services

Years of Service: 30

Years of Service at CCA: 9

Favorite memory while working at CCA? Too many to list.

What is something you’ll miss at CCA? The incredible staff and administration!

What is one thing you’re looking forward to doing when you retire? Traveling to the different states where each of my kids live and enjoying time with my granddaughter.

Angi Hoyer

Angi Hoyer

Director of Elementary Curriculum & Instruction

Years of Service: 34

Years of Service at CCA: 5

Favorite memory while working at CCA? The collaborative work with the Science of Reading learning, reading block audits, and implementing new core literacy materials. 

What is something you’ll miss at CCA? Collaborating with the Instructional Coaches 

What is one thing you’re looking forward to doing when you retire? Enjoying a more relaxed daily pace, reading, and spending time with my dog Ozzie. 

Nancy Brown

Nancy Brown

First Grade Teacher at Clear Creek Elementary

Years of Service: 42

Years of Service at CCA: 35

Favorite memory while working at CCA? My favorite memory happens every year when I see my first graders so excited about all that they have learned and all the wonderful things they can do.

What is something you’ll miss at CCA? Of course it will be the children most of all and then friendships I have made with all my peers.

What is one thing you’re looking forward to doing when you retire? Waking up each day and choosing what I would like to do.  Hopefully it will be spending more time with my grand kids.

Dr. Tom Boston-Kemple

Dr. Tom Boston-Kemple

6th Grade Special Education Teacher at CCA Middle School

Years of Service: 25

Years of Service at CCA: 8

Favorite memory while working at CCA? I love the fact that I got an interview for my job because Mr. Fox knew and valued my daughter Fawn, who already taught in the district and had provided dance and Zumba activities at the middle school!  (I like to think that I got the job on my own accord, but I will always credit Fawn for the interview!)

What is something you’ll miss at CCA?  One thing that I will miss is celebrating the progress that I see each year in my students.  You can always find some area of growth to celebrate!  It is the purpose of special education to close the gaps in reading, math or in other goal areas between my students and their general education peers.  Each year we have exited students, including six this year, who have caught up and even surpassed their grade level peers.  I will miss the hard-working students, amazing co-workers, and supportive parents who have helped my students to succeed!  

What is one thing you’re looking forward to doing when you retire? I am looking forward to staying connected to the CCA community though continuing my job as crossing guard!  I love greeting students in the morning, waving at passers by, and keeping everyone safe at my corner!  I also look forward to becoming a volunteer driver for the food rescue organization, Table-to-Table.  As well, I have some writing I want to do, I will help with our grandchildren, and there are many projects around our 100 year old home, The Granary, in East Amana that will keep me occupied!