Welcome to CCE

  • Welcome to Clear Creek Elementary!
    My name is Kayla Amelon and I'm the principal at Clear Creek Elementary School (CCE). I look forward to working with students, staff and families to create an environment focused on student growth. At CCE, we strive to create an environment that promotes  success of all PK-5 students. Our goal is to provides the building blocks for student achievement.
    • School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports embedded within our motto of SAIL: Safe, Appropriate, and Involved Learners
    • Instructional practices grounded in Iowa Core State Standards with appropriate differentiation
    • Fostering positive relationships and providing social emotional support
    Thank you for partnering with the CCE family on this journey in your child's education. If you have any questions about Clear Creek Elementary, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at kaylaamelon@ccaschools.org or by our building phone number at (319) 828-4505. 
    Kayla Amelon