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CCA FFA Points Away From State Soils

FFA Soils Team

The Clear Creek Amana FFA Soils team of Alex Cox, Claire Beitz, Olivia Miller, Bryce Mougin and Tyler Steines were 10 points from qualifying for the State FFA Soils Contest that will be held in March.

At FFA Soils Career Development Event FFA teams participated in the knowledge and skills in the area of Soils Evaluation. The Soils Evaluation Career Development Event included the evaluation of four soil pits, plus a written exam about soils in Iowa. The score card used to judge the soil pits is divided into five parts: Surface
Features, Soil Features – The Profile, Land Capability Classification and Productivity Potential, Evaluation of Management Practices, and Sustainability of Soils for Non-Agricultural Uses. The Clear Creek Amana FFA Soils team has participated at the District Soils which is held in Muscatine and the NRCS soil scientist analyze the soils pits and communicate the officials to each team. The Clear Creek Amana FFA Soils team performed well on the written exam but the sandy soil of Muscatine tripped up the team this year. The Clear Creek Amana Team would like to thank local farmers for digging soils pits and providing soil samples so the team can practice on a variety of soil types.

Article respectfully submitted by Alex Cox Clear Creek Amana FFA Reporter.