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We're Better Together

‘It’s about representation.’ 
             -Tamyra Mensah-Stock, first American Black female wrestling gold medalist

Now, more than ever, as our nation becomes increasingly diverse, every community needs schools to bring children together from all walks of life to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that lie in front of them. 

To do that, we need to create representative environments that allow our students to thrive. They need to learn in an environment where they see themselves reflected in their daily activities and are exposed to a diverse set of cultures and outlooks. They need to be able to freely be themselves and share with their classroom community the value they bring without fear of reprisal. Classroom diversity and freedom of expression breed innovation. 

As we begin the school year, we ask our students, staff, family, and community to join Clear Creek Amana in charting a course. A course that fosters a sense of belonging for all Clippers, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, ability, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, nationality, culture, and other identities. A course that commits to valuing every person in our community for who they are and what they contribute. A course that commits to reviewing programming and practices to support our community in developing awareness and respect. A course that commits to representation for all. 

We Are Clippers, we are One Fleet!

Joseph E. Brown, Sr
Interim Superintendent
(507) 438-9083

Angelica Brothers
Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Culture